
WellRESTed is a library for creating RESTful APIs and websites in PHP that provides abstraction for HTTP messages, a powerful handler and middleware system, and a flexible router.


PSR-7 HTTP Messages

Request and response messages are built to the interfaces standardized by PSR-7 making it easy to share code and use components from other libraries and frameworks.

The message abstractions facilitate working with message headers, status codes, variables extracted from the path, message bodies, and all the other aspects of requests and responses.

PSR-15 Handler Interfaces

WellRESTed can use handlers and middleware using the interfaces defined by the PSR-15 standard.


The router allows you to define your endpoints using URI Templates like /foo/{bar}/{baz} that match patterns of paths and provide captured variables. You can also match exact paths for extra speed or regular expressions for extra flexibility.

WellRESTed’s router automates responding to OPTIONS requests for each endpoint based on the methods you assign. 405 Method Not Allowed responses come free of charge as well for any methods you have not implemented on a given endpoint.


The middleware system allows you to build your Web service out of discrete, modular pieces. These pieces can be run in sequences where each has an opportunity to work with the request before handing it off to the next. For example, an authenticator can validate a request and forward it to a cache; the cache can check for a stored representation and forward to another middleware if no cached representation is found, etc. All of this happens without any one middleware needing to know anything about where it is in the chain or which middleware comes before or after.

Lazy Loading

Handlers and middleware can be registered using factory functions so that they are only instantiated if needed. This way, a Web service with hundreds of handlers and middleware only creates instances required for the current request-response cycle.


Most classes are coded to interfaces to allow you to provide your own implementations and use them in place of the built-in classes. For example, if your Web service needs to be able to dispatch middleware that implements a third-party interface, you can provide your own custom DispatcherInterface implementation.


Here’s a customary “Hello, world!” example. This site will respond to requests for GET /hello with “Hello, world!” and provide custom responses for other paths (e.g., GET /hello/Molly will respond “Hello, Molly!”).

The site will also provide an X-example: hello world using dedicated middleware, just to illustrate how middleware propagates.


use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use WellRESTed\Message\Response;
use WellRESTed\Message\Stream;
use WellRESTed\Server;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a handler that will construct and return a response. We'll
// register this handler with a server and router below.
class HelloHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        // Check for a "name" attribute which may have been provided as a
        // path variable. Use "world" as a default.
        $name = $request->getAttribute("name", "world");

        // Set the response body to the greeting and the status code to 200 OK.
        $response = (new Response(200))
            ->withHeader("Content-type", "text/plain")
            ->withBody(new Stream("Hello, $name!"));

        // Return the response.
        return $response;

// Create middleware that will add a custom header to every response.
class CustomerHeaderMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface
    public function process(
        ServerRequestInterface $request,
        RequestHandlerInterface $handler
    ): ResponseInterface {

        // Delegate to the next handler in the chain to obtain a response.
        $response = $handler->handle($request);

        // Add the header.
        $response = $response->withHeader("X-example", "hello world");

        // Return the altered response.
        return $response;

// Create a server
$server = new Server();

// Add the header-adding middleware to the server first so that it will
// forward requests on to the router.
$server->add(new CustomerHeaderMiddleware());

// Create a router to map methods and endpoints to handlers.
$router = $server->createRouter();

$handler = new HelloHandler();
// Register a route to the handler without a variable in the path.
$router->register('GET', '/hello', $handler);
// Register a route that reads a "name" from the path.
// This will make the "name" request attribute available to the handler.
$router->register('GET', '/hello/{name}', $handler);

// Read the request from the client, dispatch, and output.